
Showing posts from July, 2020

Why The Veltia Tri-Blade Outperforms The Dyson Airblade?

Dyson is a brand name synonymous with the transformation of the humble vacuum cleaner and even the hair dryer. It has now taken over the market share for commercial hand dryers . But, we are here to tell you there’s a superior hand dryer on the market which not only competes with the Dyson Airblade on cost, but outperforms it on several levels. 5 Reasons Why Veltia Tri-Blade Is A Better Deal Than Dyson Airblade A cheaper unit cost and less power consumption allows you to save money on your bottom line and on your future power bills. Veltia Tri-Blade is built to maximise efficiency and even though the dry time is quicker by almost half. Veltia Tri-Blade have in built HEPA filters which collect and trap small particles such as dust and allergens to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. The Dyson Airblade hand dryer has a single air flow motor, whilst the Veltia Tri-Blade has a twin motor which delivers a faster and superior hand drying t...